Virginia Home Care Services specializes in working not only in the elderly community but also with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Working with individuals with disabilities is rewarding, though at times it can be a challenging endeavor. That is why we at Virginia Home Care Services follow five key principals that help our clients and staff. The purpose of this post is to encourage everyone to interact with individuals with disabilities in a way which promotes autonomy and stimulates successful fellowships. At Virginia Home Care Services we believe it is extremely important for people with disabilities to fully experience self-determination, independence, the pursuit of happiness, and to have the opportunity to live a fulfilling life. We advocate for enrichment in order to provide an environment and kinship that promotes individuality. Needless to say, having a satisfying and gratifying life looks different for everyone. We at Virginia Home Care Services believe that a gratifying life includes happiness, safety, meaningful activities, intimate relationships with family and friends, an occupation, financial stability, and contribution to the community. When working with individuals that may have a form of disability, we try to incorporate these comprehensive but key principles in their day to day care.
Principle 1: Listening
Individuals are listened to and their choices are respected.
Principle 2: Community
Relationships with families and friends and involvement in the community are supported and encouraged.
Principle 3: Self-Direction
Individuals have informed choice and control over decisions that affect them.
Principle 4: Talents and Gifts
Individuals have opportunities to use and share their gifts and talents not only with staff and family but with their community as well.
Principle 5: Responsibility
There is shared responsibility for supports and choices, from the individual, caregiver, and family as well. We believe that everyone can and should experience a good life. People who provide support should be focused on promoting fulfilling lives of those individuals with disabilities. We believe that these instrumental values are essential to sustaining a meaningful and happy life.